Perfect place to live with amazing location and food. Extremely comfortable, clean and well organized. A dream come true for any girl looking for an affordable way to live in NYC.
We understand finding housing in New York City can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be! Webster offers fully-furnished private rooms in a clean, safe, dorm-style building right in the heart of midtown Manhattan. Our affordable, all-inclusive rates include two home cooked meals a day, housekeeping services, on-site laundry, and plenty of opportunities to meet new friends who you can explore this great city with! NO long-term lease agreement and NO hefty security deposits!
Have questions about our programs? Not sure if you qualify? No time to complete an application?
Do you have any other questions about our programs? Not sure if you qualify? No time to complete an application?
WHAT our guests ARE SAYING
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Webster Guest
GUEST eligibility
You are eligible if you are:
- Enrolled in a/an:
- Undergraduate or graduate program at a college or university
- Trade, technical or other school program (ie: performing arts, cosmetology,photography, culinary, etc.)
- – OR –
- Currently working as OR received a new offer for an internship, traineeship, fellowship, clerkship, etc.